
Our Mission

The NJAMLE provides leadership, professional learning, and advocacy in support of its belief that all young adolescents must be academically challenged in an educational environment that meets their unique cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs.

Our Vision

All NJ students in grades 5-8 will attend schools that are academically challenging, developmentally responsive, and socially equitable, guided by educators who understand the unique needs of young adolescents.

Our Purpose

  • Support educators who serve young adolescents between the ages of 10-15 years of age
  • Promote research-based practices in the middle-level education that are academically rigorous and developmentally responsive to the needs of young adolescents
  • Provide a medium for those involved with New Jersey’s young adolescents to share innovative practices and exemplary programs

Membership & Pricing:

NJAMLE membership runs from July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025. Any questions about registering for the 2024-2025 school year should be directed to Please click the link below to access the online NJAMLE membership application.


As a member you will receive:

  • Quarterly Newsletters with resources, best practices, and event information!
  • Free registration for all Hungry for Learning Workshops
  • Discount for State-wide Annual Conference Registration
  • Classroom Grant applications – Member ONLY!
  • Leadership opportunities: highlight your best practices in a guest blog, Twitter chat
  • Information on partner PD Events and all of the other goodness that comes with being a connected educator!
  • School Membership = ALL STAFF becomes members!

All payments (check or PO) can be mailed to:

Attn: Membership
1977 North Olden Avenue, Suite 245
Trenton, NJ 08618