Girls Who Code, a national non-profit dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology, is expanding its network of free Clubs for girls in grades 6-12. Currently, less than a quarter of computing jobs are held by women. That number is declining and our organization is working to reverse the decline. Last year we reached 40,000 girls in all 50 states and we hope to reach 100,000 girls by the end of 2018 through our Clubs Program.
Currently, we have over 120 Clubs in New Jersey, including Clubs at schools, libraries, colleges and non-profits throughout the state. We would love to work with many more middle schools to increase the number of Clubs in New Jersey and position our state as a leader in growing computer science education and reaching girls who are historically underrepresented in computer science.
Our Clubs are free after-school programs for girls to use computer science to impact their communities and join a growing sisterhood of supportive peers and role models. They can be hosted at schools, universities, libraries, community centers, faith-based organizations, or non-profits. There is ZERO fee to start a Club.
If interested please reach out to Eve Balick at eve.balick@girlswhocode.com for more information!